Open Letter to Donald Trump

America Under Siege Poster

Dear Mr. Trump,
Let me begin by saying that I am deeply appreciative of Mr. Trump, beginning with his honest and courageous public recognition of the serious issues concerning all patriotic and law abiding citizens.
The current political season began like no other. Seventeen of the most experienced professionals/politicians on one side, against one single sociopath on the other. This country will continue to exist as America if Donald Trump moves into the White House. On the other hand, if Hillary Clinton is elected, America as a sovereign nation will no longer exist; instead we will become slaves to the NWO. The utopia that the leftists in this country promise to their constituents will instead become a death camp for anyone with the temerity to challenge their judgment or authority. It may not happen overnight, but believe me, as an astute observer of world affairs and the quid pro quo of the governing elites, it will be just a matter of time.
It is generally accepted that Mrs. Clinton has pretty much bought the minority vote with pandering and promises. The sad part is that she may keep those promises, and by doing so continue to maintain the victimhood mentality on the plantation which has all but destroyed the black family. I don’t recall ever hearing her promoting the benefits of strong family values; the only benefit that she promotes is more welfare benefits. Sure, she publicly demonstrated motherly and grandmotherly and wifely affection during the campaign; but I don’t recall ever hearing her recommend to the “baby daddies” of 70percent of the out-of-wedlock births in every primarily black community, that they begin to act responsibly. Doesn’t Hillary represent herself as a champion for women’s rights? Where is her constructive outreach to the fatherless women who continue to propagate the out of wedlock culture in black – and increasingly also white communities? Is her solution simply to continue to take from the working, law-abiding and productive members of society in order to subsidize an increasingly angry, violent, and ever growing sub-culture of that society? That has been the agenda for more than fifty years, and it has been an utter failure. The entitlement mentality is now ingrained; but morality, along with a work ethic, has all but disappeared from the black community. What has this entitled group contributed to society? Disproportionate commission of violent crime, degradation of entire communities, rap music; I think that about covers it.
Mr. Trump, your speech last night on the subject of law and order was necessary and long overdue, much as your astute observation regarding the threat to America’s safety from outside our borders which you so courageously highlighted at the start of your campaign is something that our cowardly “leaders” have ignored for decades. Now, if only you could explain and convince young black men and women how satisfying it is to actually contribute to society, and how good it feels to interact with fellow workers who share the same work ethic, and if they would recognize how happy and how much more successful a family can be with a mother and a father; perhaps we could begin to heal the racial divide. A child needs guidance, and sometimes discipline; but if a child is to grow into a decent and constructive member of society, he or she must have a foundation built on love, logic and morality; without it they will never reach their full potential. Mr. Trump, I believe that you can offer this option of hope to blacks and Hispanics. Dr. Ben Carson is a wonderful example of what you can achieve, and he demonstrates these very values whenever he has the opportunity. Decent, hard working and law abiding black people are, unfortunately, openly ridiculed and derided by so-called “black leadership” and MSM in this country.
The list is long, of outstanding, intelligent, and law abiding black Americans who should be applauded by all Americans for having the courage to speak out and demand that we be judged by our character and not hide under the cloak of black victimhood and entitlement. Here, in addition to the aforementioned Dr. Ben Carson, are a few more outstanding and self-sufficient people who identify themselves as simply – AMERICANS:
Clarence Thomas – Supreme Court Justice
Sheriff David Clark – Milwaukee County Sheriff
Hermain Cain – businessman; 2012 presidential candidate
Thomas Sowell – economist; author
Allen West – former congressman, Florida; ex-Army officer
Harris Faulkner – host of “Outnumbered”
Charles Payne – host of “Making Money”
Deneen Borelli – author, “Blacklash”
Jason Riley – Wall Street Journal editorial writer; author, “Please Stop Helping Us”
Shelby Steele – author, “The Content of Our Character”; documentary filmmaker
Niger Innis – national spokesman, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Alan Keyes – former presidential candidate
Kevin Jackson – host, “Black Sphere” radio show

These people are wonderful examples of American Exceptionalism and what you can achieve if you embrace traditional American values. Sadly, in today’s bizarre interpretation of reality, anyone who doesn’t support and embrace the deliberate destruction of our culture – a uniquely American culture is considered a racist right-wing nut job! There are a variety of terms used to identify these bigots:
 suburban and rural, straight white males
 conservative women
 responsible fathers
 defenders of the Constitution
 self-reliant
 traditional family
 law-abiding
 charitable
 belief in God

Robert Ringer, bestselling author of (“Restoring the American Dream”) and other excellent books, in 1979 stated that diversity, rather than having a positive influence on society, actually succeeds in accomplishing the opposite. “All you need to do is look at the news every day,” he said. “Everywhere there’s diversity in thinking and culture, you find trouble. One of the great lies being told, and has been told for decades, is that diversity is our strength. Since the United States has become so diverse in people living different kinds of life, the United States has become weaker and weaker, and we’re really decaying from within is the problem…”
I have not experienced as difficult a problem with division (I was terrible in math), since I was in the second grade at Holy Trinity.
We are facing a historical crisis, our country is being torn apart by radicals with an agenda designed to fundamentally change the most exceptional nation on earth, and they are accomplishing their goal with the explicit assistance of public education, the mainstream media, and leftwing extremist groups – among others. Is there any hope to stop this precipitous slide into darkness? Only if patriotic Americans are willing to stand up and be counted. Much like our illustrious founding fathers, we must have the courage to demonstrate our conviction to restoring our freedom, freedom from a government that has become totalitarian.

A fellow American