6-24-2019  Cynic@whatsyourbeef.com


We are experiencing a nightmare of depravity.

Women whose only talent is to shamelessly flaunt their body for all to see, while getting rich in the process; they even get invited to the White House, complain about misogyny and the “objectification of women”. It’s ludicrous and would be laughable were it not for the serious detrimental effect this is having on society. Young heterosexual men have never in my lifetime been subjected to so much misinformation and celebration of values that are antithetical to a normal healthy society. I was raised in a generation that was taught to respect women – all women. We placed them on a pedestal and adored the differences between them and us. And women earned that respect by behaving (at least in public) so much better than we of the masculine gender.

That so many young men are confused and suffer from depression and self-loathing is a symptom of the parasite called “progressivism”, a misnomer at the least. A much more apt description would be totalitarianism. We are no longer allowed to criticize bad behavior. The demagogues on the left who are now the arbiters of what is acceptable speech and behavior in this newly created dystopian society; forbid honest discourse, and any public display of traditional values.

Just look at the disgusting and frightening reaction of the “establishment,” in Washington to the unexpected election of Donald Trump; certainly no paragon of virtue, but a true patriot. The Democrats are no longer able to hide their dictatorial ambitions behind the cover of the Washington oligarchy. They have incited the brainwashed masses to react to any hint of individualism, patriotism and traditional family values by Trump and his supporters, with hatred so vicious and violent that honest discourse has been effectively banned from the public arena. If you refuse to bend to their will, the radical left-wing lunatics will destroy you and yours.

In his excellent 1979 book “Restoring the American Dream,” Robert Ringer accurately describes the “establishment” in Washington, not as a two party system of government, but, as “the Demopublicans.” He wrote “When the lone U.S. political party feels threatened, it does not hesitate to reveal its totalitarian instincts.”

Donald Trump is that third party in the eyes of those entrenched in Uncle Sam’s gravy train. He threatens their continued domination over the brainwashed electorate. This is the reason the establishment politicians and left-wing media enablers repeatedly use the term “not normal” when attempting to delegitimize his presidency. He is not “normal” in the Washington sense, he is exceptional. In Washington it is “normal” to grant favors to special interests and to pander to the masses by promising them free stuff in exchange for votes. Donald Trump is not beholden to any special interests for future financial benefit. The only special interest that Donald Trump answers to is we the people.

                                      LEFTWING ZOMBIES

It is sad at the very least, and unfortunate that so many citizens/zombies have allowed their basic freedoms to be hijacked and held for ransom by the greedy power-hungry demagogues who consider themselves government leaders. Once the ransom (the vote) is paid, the zombies will accept entitlements in lieu of freedom, and obediently vilify and attack any perceived enemies targeted by the ruling tyrants.

Americans will soon be allowed only as much freedom as their “rulers” deem appropriate and non-threatening to their continued rule over the dumbed-down masses. Eventually the zombies may realize that their blind adherence to the extremists’ agenda has resulted in the loss of our God-given rights; sadly, by then it may be too late.

Mankind (at least in civilized countries) has evolved to a certain level of acceptance of alternative lifestyles. We understand that even though the majority of human beings prefer their sexual partners to be of the opposite sex, there are some who prefer intimacy with same sex partners. Most reasonable people recognize acceptance is the norm in today’s society. But sadly, we have arrived at a time when acceptance alone is unacceptable. Far from being anti-gay, in the past I have served for five years as a board member for an outstanding community theatre organization who’s Theatre Director is gay and has become a close friend. My marketing expertise contributed to increased theatre attendance and attracted generous sponsors. I developed longstanding friendships with both male and female members of the organization who are gay. I have no problem with a person’s choice of lifestyle, until it adversely affects my own, and that is what is happening today as a result of the aggressive SJW attacks on anyone who shares a belief in traditional values. We are assaulted 24/7 in the media and encouraged to abandon our beliefs in favor of a lifestyle which many believe is detrimental to a healthy society. Extremists, intent on destroying any semblance of traditional values in America, now demand that we embrace and encourage not only this behavior, but also:


                                    MURDERED RAPPERS

 “Artists” who spew filth and incite misogynistic behavior and violence. 

  Legislators and government bureaucrats who work tirelessly to undermine a duly elected President, regardless of the irreparable damage their actions inflict on our democracy.        

A media oligarchy which aggressively discriminates against conservative views and whose social media platforms deflect search inquiries away from conservative opinion to re-direct them to left-wing propaganda sources.

It’s time to recognize how extreme the cultural divide in our society has become. A failure to confront the threat this poses to our freedom, can only lead to chaos.

It is long past time to alert all citizens – black, white, brown, yellow, gay and straight; that what is happening is an attempt to weaponize identity politics, and use this weapon to divide us into groups which will allow a power-hungry tyrannical government to more effectively secure permanent domination over a once independent society.

People please WAKE UP; EVERYONE’S freedom is at stake!