The Ash Heap

The Ash Heap

Photo illustration by Bill Tremper/

February 2,2017

We need at least two patriotic political parties guiding our government in order for our nation to survive. If the Democratic Party continues the self-subjugation of its once relevant body, to the radical and UN-American activists who are currently setting their agenda, it will cease to be recognized as a serious component of our government.   

The divide between the moral and immoral in our society is nothing new, but it has never been as wide or as violent as we are witnessing today. Much of the vitriol is fueled by those whose very existence depends on fomenting hatred and inciting violence. It guarantees them a status that is traditionally reserved only for those who actually contribute to improving society. As so many much wiser patriots than I have warned, we have indeed entered a critical and dangerous time in our history. Those who believe in the rule of law, parental responsibility and basic morality, are labeled as HOMOPHOBIC, XENOPHOBIC, ISLAMOPHOBIC, bigots and racists; and subjected to unrelenting attack, often physical and sometimes deadly. There is no comparison between the actions of the two sides in this conflict —not yet; but I am afraid that those on the receiving end of this vitriol cannot endure this abuse much longer, and when they react, the result will be CATASTROPHIC. 

Photo illustration by Bill Tremper/

    Ashley Judd grabbed her crotch and lambasted the President, as Gloria Steinem proudly proclaimed, “If Donald Trump forces Muslims to register, then we will all register as Muslims!” Does this woman not realize that if we continue to allow Muslim refugees to freely invade our once (and soon, hopefully, once again) sovereign nation, that if and when those Muslims achieve a large enough presence, their ultimate objective will be the institution of Sharia law. The irony of all this is that the legacy of those very same clueless women will be to ensure that their female progeny will sacrifice their crotches to Allah. Female genital mutilation is just one of the many despicable acts condoned in a Sharia Law society. The list of anti-western rules imposed as a tenet of the Koran is long and shocking, and the most liberal and immoral among us will suffer the most.

On June 13 of last year, the Washington Times had a frightening yet informative article on the subject of Sharia: “The Islamic State terror group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, pushed two gay men, blindfolded, to their deaths from a roof in Homs, Syria, last August. After plummeting to the ground, with their heads splattering on the concrete, they were stoned by an angry mob, which included children. All of it was recorded and posted to the Internet. This year, the U.K.-based Observatory for Human Rights estimates at least 25 people have been killed by ISIS for being gay: six stoned, three shot in the head and 16 thrown from high-rise buildings. “The people of Lot,” or so the LGBT community is called by Muslims, a Koranic euphemism for sodomy — are singled out and executed by the religious group simply for being gay.

But perhaps the fact most hidden by the mainstream media is that you don’t have to be part of ISIS to believe this. It is part of Muslim Sharia law, shared commonly in Middle Eastern countries.”(snippet)

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (2nd R), Democrat of New York, US House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (C), speak alongside other members of Congress as demonstrators protest Donald Trump. Getty Images

I read an interesting and logical online comment today, quote: “This is organized domestic terrorism! Foreign Funding turns it into Treason!” He was referring to the protests being held in response to the immigration restrictions recently imposed by President Trump. What too many Americans fail to understand is that the biggest threat to our safety is not the possibility of the occasional terror attack at a bar, mall or airport; what we should be worrying about is the massive influx of “peaceful” Muslim immigrants. The constant lament that “most Muslims are peaceful people” is true, but once they achieve a large enough presence in any population, they submit to the demands of the radicals among them and agree to the imposition of a Sharia society. All aspects of a Muslim’s life are governed by Sharia. Sharia law comes from a combination of sources including the Qur’an (the Muslim holy book), the Hadith (sayings and conduct of the prophet Muhammad) and fatwas (the rulings of Islamic scholars).


The Muslim immigration restriction is just one of the protests from the left; they complain about immigration restrictions and border security in general; they claim that it is “tearing” families apart. Let me try to explain this as simply as I can to the imbeciles in Congress and to those who attempt to conflate love of country with a lack of compassion. America is a sovereign nation, you came here illegally, you bypassed the law-abiding people who are waiting patiently in line to legally share in the American Dream, now you pay the price; it’s called “consequences for your actions”.

William Tremper